Tuesday 14 February 2017

Otura Owonrin

The Omniscient One knows those who wickedly shoot others. 
People of the farm knowing people of the town;
Travelers of earth and travelers of heaven; we will see each other again.
Termites do not scatter unless they reassemble again was the one who cast Ifa for us humans who are mourning one who has died.
Where the people of earth have come from is where they are returning to. What are tears for? What is sorrow for? What is raising oneself up and down for? What is fasting for? He who sends one to come is he who is calling him to return home. That which pleases us on earth does not please Olodumare. The people on earth sit on earth and they do evil. Olodumare does not like it; Olodumare does not accept it. Well then, if they say come, you come.
If a child does not know his father, the earth is not right. Death is the one who takes a child to know heaven. Who is thinking of Olodumare? If there were no Esu, who would think of those who eat sacrifices? Everyone is thinking of themselves; they are looking for food and drink. You know darkness; a child does not know his father. Speak to me that I may speak to you; by our voices we recocgnise each other in the darkness. If a child does not know his farther, the earth is not right.
Sacrifice: four white pigeons, four ewes and two cowries. They heard and they sacrificed so that they might remain long on earth and that they might see blessings.

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