Thursday 27 April 2017

Nigeria, Nigeria, Nigeria! How many times did I call you? Who art thou?

The name “Nigeria” made its debut on 8 January 1897 in an article of the London Times penned by the journalist and commentator on colonial affairs - Flora Shaw.
She suggested the name because to her, it would be a good title for the:
“agglomeration of pagan and Mohammedan states which have been bought [from the Royal Niger Company] … within the confines of a British protectorate”. For the “first time in their history”, these states needed to “be described as an entity by some general name”.[1]
How did the Royal Niger Company acquire the "asset" (Nigeria) in the first place?
Who sold Nigeria to the Royal Niger Company?
1. Schwarz, Federick A. O. Jr. Nigeria: The Tribes, the Nation, or the Race, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1965, p. 2

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